The Prostate: A Vital Gland for Men’s Health

The prostate is an essential part of the male reproductive system. It not only produces prostate fluid but also plays a key role in reproduction and sexual function. Therefore, maintaining prostate health is crucial for every man. Understanding the functions of the prostate, common diseases, and preventive measures can help men effectively care for this "vital gland."

I. Basic Functions of the Prostate

The prostate is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Its main functions include:

Secreting Prostate Fluid: This fluid is a major component of semen, providing nutrition and protection, and promoting sperm vitality.

Regulating Urethral Function: The contraction and relaxation of the prostate help control the process of urination.

Influencing Sexual Function: The health of the prostate is directly related to male sexual ability.

II. Common Prostate Diseases

Prostatitis: Common symptoms include lower abdominal pain, frequent urination, and urgency, which may be caused by bacterial infection or other factors.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): As men age, the prostate may enlarge, compressing the urethra and causing urinary difficulties.

Prostate Cancer: This is one of the most common cancers among men. Early stages often have no obvious symptoms, but regular screening can help in early detection.

III. Health Maintenance Measures for the Prostate

Regular Check-Ups: Routine prostate exams, including PSA blood tests and digital rectal exams, can help detect potential issues early.

Healthy Diet: A balanced diet supports prostate health. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts, while reducing red meat and high-fat foods, is beneficial.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Obesity is linked to an increased risk of prostate diseases, so maintaining a healthy weight can lower this risk.

Regular Exercise: Moderate physical activity improves blood circulation and boosts immunity, aiding prostate health.

Avoiding Prolonged Sitting: Long periods of sitting can put pressure on the prostate; taking breaks to stand and move can alleviate this pressure.

Managing Stress: Chronic psychological stress can affect overall health, so learning relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga can help alleviate stress.


Product Introduction: New 【DB Prostate】


The new 【DB Prostate】 from Ri Chuban Fang is formulated with double the dosage of the original Wang’s Prostate Inflammation SG, produced by the same manufacturer. This product adds more natural plant ingredients to the original formula, enhancing its effectiveness. All ingredients are traditional Chinese medicine, free from any synthetic chemicals and toxic side effects, making it safe for consumption.


This product is primarily used to treat:


Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Related complications such as:

Difficulty urinating

Incomplete urination

Sensation of residual urine

Frequent urination


Acute or chronic prostatitis

Specifications: 100 tablets

Dosage: Take 1 tablet three times a day after meals. For severe cases, take 2 tablets at a time.


Patients with prostatitis should ensure ample rest during treatment and avoid prolonged sitting or standing. A balanced diet is essential; avoid spicy and irritating foods such as chili, pepper, garlic, and onion, as well as greasy and fried foods, especially fast food like McDonald's and KFC.


Patients with prostatitis should maintain a regular sleep schedule, avoid staying up late, and balance work and rest. Engaging in outdoor activities can help relieve stress and improve mood. It is advisable to wear loose-fitting underwear. During the illness, avoid excessive sexual activity, refrain from eating raw or cold foods, and drink plenty of water to promote urination.

The prostate is an indispensable gland in a man's life, and maintaining its health requires proactive attention. Through regular check-ups, healthy eating, and adequate exercise, men can effectively reduce the risk of prostate diseases. For every man, focusing on prostate health means prioritizing quality of life and happiness. Protecting this "vital gland" ensures lifelong health.



